Generational Stereotypes are Failing
Why generational stereotypes are failing marketers and how to move past labels
Stereotypes limit real market understanding and the benefits of a nuanced approach. Here’s what to do instead.
I love the Insights industry, but something that has troubled me for years is the often thoughtless way generational research has been used and abused. The way we talk about Gen-Z today, and we talked about Millennials ten years ago, can be simplistic and little short of stereotyping.
Thankfully we as an industry are beginning to wake up to some of the errors of the past. In my latest article for MarTech Magazine I give an overview of how the industry is re-assessing generational research, why it has been damaging in the past, and what you can do to not make the same mistakes.
So before you or your marketing team throw around labels like ‘Gen-Z,’ ‘Boomer’ and ‘Millennial’ be sure to understand the latest thinking on generational research. Some of it may surprise you.
You can read the full article here: Why generational stereotypes are failing marketers and how to move past labels.