Chris Robson

Insights Technology Leader

Chris Robson

Chris Robson

Insights Technology Leader

Small is Beautiful

1 minutes
May 31, 2024

Why local, fine-tuned models are the near future of the AI workflow

Here’s how fine-tuned AI models can revolutionize marketing workflows by providing focused intelligence tailored to your requirements.

Probably the most exciting things to happen in the AI Tools landscape is the arrival of small but powerful language models. These models are small enough to run on modest hardware, and yet reach performance values close to those of the huge flagship models.

As well as being highly accessible and keeping your data local, many of them are fine-tunable to do exactly what you want them to - meaning they can outperform the huge models on narrow tasks.

You can read a thought-piece I wrote on this topic for MarTech Magazine called Why local, fine-tuned models are the near future of the AI workflow.